Monday, February 20, 2012

new phase of cinat is coming soon...

9/3/12 - akad nikah
12/3/12 - kenduri sebelah aku
15/3/12 - kenduri sebelah dia..

semua di atas menyebabkan duit aku makin nipis..huhuhu....happy mmg happy tp takut lg byk kot...a new phase of life with someone calls 'HUSBAND' will not be easy...a lot of things to consider especially his feeling..his family's feeling....aduhhh....i just pray that there will be no disaster before the wedding,during the wedding and after the wedding.....

i hope my chapter starts with a smile not a tears...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

the clock is ticking...tik tok tik tok....

D - Day is coming soon... i am so thrill to face that moment... for him.. i just need a little comfort to face my new world.. the new chapter as
<------ Cinat 'his fiancee'...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

to you.....

You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,

What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

few days to go...

28th MAY 2011.....will be my engagement i ready????

@ no answer......

@ do not know what to do.........

is he ready?????

@ never ask him about this.....
@ hope he is ready.......

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

its life....


i went to my fren's wedding day..but its not a wedding day actually...dia merupakan isteri 3 jam yg hangat diperkatakan sekarang kat tv n paper...kesian sgt kat dia..masa aku smpai kat umah dia,suasana sgt la la..pengantin lelaki meninggal di dlm accident.aku msk je bilik dia,dia dlm telekung...dia tgh peluk member dia n once i entered the room n she saw me,she suddenly stood up n hugged me closely..lama aku peluk dia..menangis teresak2 aku dgn dia...ya allah...kesian sgt aku tgk dia..dia lg la menangis teresak2 kat bahu aku...dh la 5 thn kami x jmpa.dia di new zealand aku di malaysia...x sangka jumpa dlm keadaan mcm aku respek dia...betapa tabahnya dia sbb dia x meraung2.dia btl2 bersabar cuma air mata tu x pernah kering..ya laa...sapa x sedih tersayang meninggal tanpa pesan..aku slalu doa dia tabah menjalani hidup dia sbb dia bakal menjadi guru seperti aku...hidup ini amat appreciate all things around u n all people u know....

Friday, December 11, 2009


ya Allah..arini aku dpt brita buruk.aku p padang besaq td.lepas breakfast kat alor star,trus ke padang besar..dlm kul 12 lebih kami pun balik la..dlm kul 1 lbh kami kat jln kangar..terserempak dgn bas sek bw pelancong yg dr padang besar td..bas tu x nmpk plak accident dgn apa..mlm td kul 8 dpt tau kat berita tv3 yanag accident bas tu rupanya accident maut..dgn keta.keta tu hancur.4org meninggal di tmpt kejadian.paling tragis,mangsa tu suami kwn 4jam lepas akad nikah dia meninggal.esk sepatutnya aku p kenduri kahwin kwn aku ni.dia siap pos kad kawen lg.dia kwn baik aku dr sek ren lg smpai sek men...x lost contact.aku dh bli hadiah dh pun..tgk kat tv td muka dia kuar berita..inai masih merah dijari..yelah kan..esk kawen..masyaallah...kesian sgt kat dia..mengalir juga air mata aku dgr cita ni..esok nak p gak umah dia..tu la kuasa Allah..Dia maha Besar..aku harap dia tabah menghadapi saat2 mcm fatihah utk suaminya...

Monday, December 7, 2009


today i supposed to be in cameron...huhuhuuu...something nephew,4 months old got fever...last night only she got fever..pity her but pity me more..i've been waiting for this trip for more than a month..i keep counting the date in calendar...till today, my dreams crashed into pieces...frustated,sorrow,sadness all become 1...nasib ada lagu dmasiv ni...naikkan balik mood aku..n thanks to my bes fren, fizri..his words change my negative thought..and to my beloved bff, farhana..u r always there when i needed u.... i hope 1 day, i manage to drive my own car n bring myself n my parents to the place better than cameron n i dont need to ask my sister's favor to drove me anywhere i want to go...huhuhuu...goodbye cameron...ada jodoh kita bertemu ya....oh, how sad i am today....

tak ada manusia
yang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi
kita pasti pernah
dapatkan cobaan yang berat
seakan hidup ini
tak ada artinya lagi
syukuri apa yang ada
hidup adalah anugerah
tetap jalani hidup ini
melakukan yang terbaik
tak ada manusiayang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
kebesaran dan kuasanya
bagi hambanya yang sabar
dan tak kenal putus asa
my favorite song..byk lg lagu favorite..thanks dmasiv...